Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2021 Latest News – राजस्थान Patwari परीक्षा Exam Date (तिथि)
क्या आप राजस्थान पटवारी परीक्षा तिथि जानना चाहते हैं? यदि हाँ तो यह पोस्ट आपके सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर प्रदान करेगी! राजस्थान कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड, जयपुर जल्दी ही 4207 पदों पर स्थगित की गयी परीक्षा को प्रारम्भ करने जा रहा है! पहले यह परीक्षा विभाग द्वारा 10 जनवरी से आयोजित की जानी थी! परन्तु किन्ही कारणों से Patwari Exam 2021 को स्थगित कर दिया था! अब विभाग पटवारी भर्ती की नई तिथियाँ घोषित करेगा! सभी अभ्यर्थी जो भी परीक्षा तिथि का इंतज़ार कर रहें हैं, वें विभाग की वेबसाइट से जुड़ें रहें! साथ ही विद्यार्थियों के राजस्थान पटवारी प्रवेश पत्र 2021, बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जल्द ही घोषित किये जाने हैं! विद्यार्थियों को सूचित किया जाता है की वे अपने सभी भर्ती से जुड़े दस्तावेज़ संभल के रखें! यह दस्तावेज़ आपको Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2021 प्राप्त करने में सहायता करेंगे!
सूत्रों के अनुसार, लगभग 13.49 लाख विद्यार्थियों ने rajasthan patwari exam के लिए भाग लिया है! एक अनुमान के अनुसार, 1 पद के लिए लगभग 305 अभ्यर्थियों के आवेदन प्राप्त हुए थे! यानि की परीक्षा में भाग लेने वालों की संख्या बहुत अधिक है! परीक्षा के स्थगित हो जाने से competition के भी बढ़ने का अनुमान लगाया जा रहा है! अतः परीक्षार्थी सभी परीक्षा विषयों का सुचारु रूप से अध्ययन करें! rajasthan patwari admit card 2021 को जल्द ही विभाग की वेबसाइट पर upload किया जाना है! ऐसा मन जा रहा है की admit card को 15 से 20 पहले बोर्ड की वेबसाइट पर अपलोड किया जाना है! अभ्यर्थी को अपना Application No. और DOB अपने साथ रखना होगा, ताकि यह detail आप सबमिट करके आप अपना राजस्थान पटवारी प्रवेश पत्र प्राप्त कर सकें!
Fresh update (02.02.2021): Dear applicants, Rajasthan Patwari Exam has been postponed till further note. Earlier the exam was supposed to be held on
10th, 17th and 24th January 2021. An applicant can check more details from the official website i.e. rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.
Fresh Update (11.12.2020): Dear applicants, RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2020 are going to release shortly on the website. An applicant can download their hall tickets by entering the required details.
Fresh Update (09.12.2020): Dear applicant, Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2020 will be available shortly on the official website. The exam is scheduled to be held from 10.01.2020. The call letters will be available from 01.01.2021 or after it. Candidates can check their admit cards using the Registration No. & Password.
Table of Contents
Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2021 सुक्ष्म जानकारी
Department | Rajasthan Staff Selection Board |
Abbreviation | RSMSSB |
Exam Name | Rajasthan Patwari Exam 2021 |
Total Vacancies | 4207 positions |
Post Name | Patwar |
Mode of Patwari Exam | Offline (OMR) Test |
Tentative date of RSMSSB Patwari Exam | |
Download Rajasthan Patwari Hall Ticket | Releasing Soob |
Total Applied | 13.68 Lac |
Competition Level | High (305 applicants over 1 seat) |
Official Website | rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in |
राजस्थान पटवारी परीक्षा 2021 हेतु अधिक जानकारी! :
Registration is the main criteria to appear in the Patwari Bharti Exam 2021. It was conducted from 20.01.2020 and was lasted on 26.02.2020. The examination was supposed to be organized by May-June 2020 but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now being organized in January 2021.
All the successfully registered applicants will be appearing in the examination. It is estimated from the department that approx. 13,49, 321 applications had been received. Out of this total 32,574 applicants from UR, 34,991 from EWS, 11,179 from OBC, 2,14,517 from SC and 1,98,425 from ST category.
RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2021 में क्या जानकारी होती है?
The applicants should ensure the following below given details in the Rajasthan Patwari Call Letter 2021. It is necessary that these details should be clearly printed on the patwari bharti hall ticket. If you find any discrepancies, then immediately inform the authorities about the same.
- Department’s Name
- Exam Name
- Student’s Name
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Gender
- Registration Number
- Student’s Roll Number
- Date of Birth
- Applicant’s Category
- Roll Code
- School/College Code
- Name of the Subjects
- Exam Date
- The venue of the Patwari Exam
- Test Timing
You need to look carefully either this information is clearly printed or not on the rajasthan patwari admit card 2021. Along with this, you need to bring one of the below-given documents to the exam center for verification purposes.
- Voter ID
- Aadhar Card
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Driving License
- Employee ID
- Photograph
- Bank Pass Book with the photograph
- College ID
The document should be in photocopy and original format. Simultaneously, bring two recent passport size photo to the exam center.
Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2021 को वेबसाइट से कैसे डाउनलोड करें??
- First of all login to the official website i.e. rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in
- On the homepage, you will get the rsmssb patwari hall ticket 2021 link.
- You need to click on the link and then a window will open.
- Here the window will ask you for Registration No. & Password.
- Submit all the details and then you will get your rajasthan patwari hall ticket 2021.
- Read all the details are correctly printed or not.
- Once you checked all the information, take a printout of the call letter.
- The printing should be done on A4 size white plain paper.
Important Links for Patwari Bharti Admit Card 2021:
Download Rajasthan Patwari Call Letter 2021 (Coming Soon)
Rajasthan Patwari Bharti Hall Ticket 2021 सामान्य प्रश्न (FAQ)
What is the RSMSSB Patwari Exam Date?
The exam date will be 10.01.2020, 17.01.2020, and 24.01.2020.
When will Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2021 Be Releasing?
The rsmssb patwari call letters will release from the first week of Janaury 2021.
Which is the official portal to download RSMSSB Patwari Call Letter 2021?
The call letter will be releasing at rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.
Final Words:
Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card 2021 for 4207positions of Patwari Bharti. Offline Test from 10.01.2020. An applicant can download rsmssb patwari admit card from the official links given below above.