Top English Quiz 2020 With Answers – English Grammar Question With Solution
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1.If it is said that students of class VII are not able to read and write, what could be the most important reason for this situation?
- ALess intelligent children
- BCarelessness of parents
- CNo detention policy
- DInsensitive implementation of CCE
AnswerNo detention policy
2.I didn't bring my wallet. Since you invited me to lunch I guessed you - (Use Correct Form of Verb)
- Amight given some money
- Bhad given some money
- Cwill have some money on you
- Dmight have had some money on you
Answerwill have some money on you
3.She was too nervous to speak before such a large audience and- (Use Correct Form of Verb)
- Ahad to be prompted
- Bwas prompted
- Cwill be prompted
- Dhas to be prompted
Answerhad to be prompted
4.Choose the word most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word : DILATE
- Ashrink
- Babduct
- Ccontract
- Dexpand
5.Raju seemed to be living at some remove from reality_ (Improve the ITALIC phrase)
- Aat certain remove
- Bfrom some remove
- Cin a remove
- Dat one remove
Answerat one remove
6.Choose the one meaning which best expresses the idiom, Hobson's choice.
- Aa choice which is a win-win situation for parties involved in unlike business
- Ba situation in which you have no choice because if you don't accept what is given, you get nothing at all
- Ca situation in which you have all choice but if you accept the choice you forfeit the right to choice again
- Da choice where your fortunes have already been decided before your exercise the choice
Answera situation in which you have no choice because if you don't accept what is given, you get nothing at all
7.Applications for this position should be filed by next Saturday latest. (Improve the Italic phrase)
- Anext Saturday latest
- Blatest next Saturday
- Clatest by Saturday next
- Dnext Saturday at the latest
Answernext Saturday at the latest
8.Your findings are original but you haven't familiarized yourself with the nomenclature of the specimens. (Choose the word/ phrase that gives the best meaning of the word Bold in this sentence)
- Asystem of naming things
- Bsystem of classifying things
- Cuses of
- Dvalue of
Answersystem of naming things
9.Choose the description that best captures the meaning of the word INCORRIGIBLE
- Ahaving bad habits that cannot be changed or improved
- Bshowing extreme resistance to certain types of food
- Chaving resilience and tenacity not usually found in others
- Ddisplaying signs of fatigue and infection in the body
Answerhaving bad habits that cannot be changed or improved
10.Give antonym of 'prodigious' -
- ARich
- BUnusual
- CAbnormal
- DUnexceptional